Friday, December 19, 2008

Hachiko - a dog's story

In Japan, almost everybody knows about the story of "Chuken Hachiko" - a loyal dog, Hachiko. It's a dog's story in 1920s or 1930s.

An Akita was brought to a college professor's home in Tokyo. He was named Hachi and loved by his family, especially by his direct owner, Dr. Chozaburo Ueno. Every morning, Hachi sends Dr. Ueno to the train station. In the evening he comes to the station to meet Dr. Ueno.

However, the tragedy happened in one day at the college class. Dr. Ueno collapsed suddenly at the podium and soon died. Of course, Hachi could not understand what happened to his owner. So, he kept his habit - came to the train station in the morning and evening every day. He stayed there in the evening until the station closed. He juste kept waiting for his master to come out of the platform.

People watched the dog and thought it was a sad but a loyal thing of the dog. After the dog died when he was about 10 years old, people made a statue of the dog in front of the station. That became the simbol of loyalty.

This story became a movie in Japan (Hachiko Monogatari). Now a remake has been on its way in Hollywood. We will be able to see the movie next summer.

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