Saturday, December 20, 2008

California Dreaming....

Yes, I love California... especially Southern California. Since I came to think about studying abroad over 10 years ago, I always thought to live in CA. I have not made it yet.

This photo is taken several years ago in San Diego. The building is the San Diego convention center. Back then, I was a science major student and dreamed to live there. When i attended the conference, I tried to find job interview opportunities. None was for me.

The sky was always this deep and crystal clear blue, the wind is mild, the sun is shinning with no mercy.. I mean the sun was shinning mercilessly clear and bright.

Now I live in this cold, dark, New England and still is dreaming California. Well, the good new is, I remembered some job opportunity. As soon as I got a reply to my inquiry about a teaching position, I will start to prepare the move!

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