Saturday, January 24, 2009

Some thoughts about moving sale

Today, Saturday, I met three groups of people. The two were Japanese people and the one is American people.

Bad news first... The American lady said she is a math teacher. She came upstairs to my room and looked around the items I laid out on the floor. I was in another room and waited for her decision. She took several minutes, so I took a look at her. She was checking paperbacks one after another and asked me how much. I answered 25 cents. She then moved to the notepad, and desk organizer. I said the price. Then.... She was taking time and never picked up any. Then, she picked up a bag. That's a kind of bag for job interview. I remember I paid about $20. She was looking at it... So, I accidentally said it's $1!!!!!! $1!!! Yes, I was so stupid to say that. But, I could not help saying that. She kind of mentally imposed me :-( :-( :-( She bought that briefcase bag for $1!!!!

.... Yes, I admit, I lost. I was defeated by her pressure. She was just checking things and never buy anything. So, I got irritated and she never lost that chance! When she left, she said something nice to me. "Oh, I love Japan, I went to Japan, and I really liked the things in Japan," brah, brah, brah.... No matter how she cajoled me with those words, I really disliked her. Yes, this is a critical farewell from this place, a cold wintry greater Boston area. I am glad I'll never come back to this area.

Other two people... Compare to the Math teacher, two Japanese group were nicer. They first checked my ad, contacted me about the item, came to my place, and bought them. That's so nice and quick. So, this is why I mended my heart at the end of the day.

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