Friday, January 23, 2009

Chilly winter days

In these chilly winter days, I am dreaming the life in CA. It's just around the corner. Physically, I will be able to live in a more warmer place. But, I am not sure if I can be economically warmer there. Yes, there are a lot of Japanese companies out there in LA. The job opportunities should be double or triple the one here in MA.
Still I am worrying the future of the life here in the U.S. It's so ambiguous. Which way will this country go? Will people stick with the freedom of business, freedom of economy or prefer some substantial changes?
The people in this country have always afraid anything about socialism. People have hated to hear that too much intervention of government. The result - no national health insurance, no substantial national pension plan, no reliable public transportation system in most city areas, violence in almost all city areas...
Will people still want unlimited freedom instead of a little bit of patient to get safety, secure retirement and quality of life?

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