Friday, January 23, 2009

Moving sale

I am in the middle of moving process. Yesterday, I sold the dining set shown here. These is a story on selling this dining set.

About two weeks ago, I took photos of this set. I thought that the photos would tell how nice this set is. But, maybe my photo taking technique was not good enough. Someone replied to my ad that "there's some scratches on the table". It's just the light came from bad angle. Still I was positive about the sale, but it was not.

So, the day before yesterday, I took the photo again more carefully. I placed the table under the ceiling light so that it light the table nicely. And then I posted the set again on the craig's list. It worked! Now, people replied so quickly, and a guy with his girl friend came yesterday afternoon to pick it up!

The lesson I learned this time was "the importance of showing the truth of your product". If it's good and people understand the value, people would buy it!

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