Sunday, January 25, 2009

The final day of moving sale

Today is Sunday, January 25th. Now it's about 11 am. This is the last day of my moving sale here in a cold New England town. After 4 pm, I will start cleaning up everything. I will need to throw out many stuff... No, I can not send them to LA because the moving fee is quite expensive. I was surprised to send packages by UPS the other day. It was about twice the fee of USPS three years ago! When I send the final packages later, I will try USPS again.
I can not stop my sentimental feeling. Right now, all I can do is to sit and wait for people to come and check my belongings. A family in NH contacted me several days ago, but I am not sure they come or not. In any event, I am finally here, the final sale day. Yes, I can wait for a day. The sale is until 4pm today. After that, I will start working hard to cleaning the apartment.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Some thoughts about moving sale

Today, Saturday, I met three groups of people. The two were Japanese people and the one is American people.

Bad news first... The American lady said she is a math teacher. She came upstairs to my room and looked around the items I laid out on the floor. I was in another room and waited for her decision. She took several minutes, so I took a look at her. She was checking paperbacks one after another and asked me how much. I answered 25 cents. She then moved to the notepad, and desk organizer. I said the price. Then.... She was taking time and never picked up any. Then, she picked up a bag. That's a kind of bag for job interview. I remember I paid about $20. She was looking at it... So, I accidentally said it's $1!!!!!! $1!!! Yes, I was so stupid to say that. But, I could not help saying that. She kind of mentally imposed me :-( :-( :-( She bought that briefcase bag for $1!!!!

.... Yes, I admit, I lost. I was defeated by her pressure. She was just checking things and never buy anything. So, I got irritated and she never lost that chance! When she left, she said something nice to me. "Oh, I love Japan, I went to Japan, and I really liked the things in Japan," brah, brah, brah.... No matter how she cajoled me with those words, I really disliked her. Yes, this is a critical farewell from this place, a cold wintry greater Boston area. I am glad I'll never come back to this area.

Other two people... Compare to the Math teacher, two Japanese group were nicer. They first checked my ad, contacted me about the item, came to my place, and bought them. That's so nice and quick. So, this is why I mended my heart at the end of the day.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Chilly winter days

In these chilly winter days, I am dreaming the life in CA. It's just around the corner. Physically, I will be able to live in a more warmer place. But, I am not sure if I can be economically warmer there. Yes, there are a lot of Japanese companies out there in LA. The job opportunities should be double or triple the one here in MA.
Still I am worrying the future of the life here in the U.S. It's so ambiguous. Which way will this country go? Will people stick with the freedom of business, freedom of economy or prefer some substantial changes?
The people in this country have always afraid anything about socialism. People have hated to hear that too much intervention of government. The result - no national health insurance, no substantial national pension plan, no reliable public transportation system in most city areas, violence in almost all city areas...
Will people still want unlimited freedom instead of a little bit of patient to get safety, secure retirement and quality of life?

Moving sale

I am in the middle of moving process. Yesterday, I sold the dining set shown here. These is a story on selling this dining set.

About two weeks ago, I took photos of this set. I thought that the photos would tell how nice this set is. But, maybe my photo taking technique was not good enough. Someone replied to my ad that "there's some scratches on the table". It's just the light came from bad angle. Still I was positive about the sale, but it was not.

So, the day before yesterday, I took the photo again more carefully. I placed the table under the ceiling light so that it light the table nicely. And then I posted the set again on the craig's list. It worked! Now, people replied so quickly, and a guy with his girl friend came yesterday afternoon to pick it up!

The lesson I learned this time was "the importance of showing the truth of your product". If it's good and people understand the value, people would buy it!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Miracle on Hudson

When I was looking for Hudson River crash movies on YouTube, I came across a funny posts.

"He is the man"

"He is the true hero"

brah, brah, brah....

"I hope the birds are OK...."

"Hahaha... you've made me laugh :-D "

I've been so mesmerized with the story, I haven't even given any thought to the tragic birds! Yeah, that's a great story - a veteran and great pilot made a miracle landing, making American people feel a relief and accomplishment. That's a great gift for the new president too.

Still I am glad I can read such a funny comments :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Torrance, CA - February, 2009~

While I was away from blog writing, my life has been changed... No, my mind has changed a lot. In mid-December 2008, I had no idea what I should do next. For several days I struggled. I wrote blogs every day, tried to communicate with other bloggers, and registered some SNS. Those were the first move when I got into a trouble.

After those days, I came up with an idea to move to CA. So, my plan was to move to CA in Spring, sometime in April. in a day or two, I decided to move to CA asap! I thought that's the best way for me, and I started making a detailed plans. There were a lot of things to do.

Now I got a plane ticket to LAX, told my landlady that I move out on Feb 1... But all the other things are very slow. I need to sell my stuff - furniture, car and so on. Gee... it's overwhelming!

My destination is Southern California... my dream place. There many my contry's forks. People say (because of our county's people) the area is safer than most American cities, weather is mild, warm, nice beaches, nice mountains, good scenic place. Yes, I always wanted to go to the place -- since I came to this country. No, I always wanted to go to the place when I decidec to study abroad.

That's just a half month away.