Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Spanish now! ~ day 18

I am self-learning Spanish. It's not a requirement of my work place, I am not going to use Spanish in my job. It's just that I want to learn Spanish as my hobby and relaxing activity.

Learning a new language is like visiting a foreign country - for free and free of wasting time. When you feel some stress from job and other things, learning a new language may be a good solution.

Especially, if the language is spoken a lot in your neighborhood. In this city of Los Angeles, you hear Spanish language everywhere. So, no wonder I came up with this idea of learning it. Spanish language may give me a job in the near future too :)

So, I un-earth a textbook from my closet, and started learning it again several days ago. I set that day "the day 15" since I once tried to study the language when I was in Texas two years ago. Back then, I was much more desperate... I did not have a job at all. In the city in Texas, the majority people was Hispanic. So, I dreamed to have a job of something Hispanic. It did not happen though.

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