Wednesday, May 13, 2009


It was about two years ago that I got to knew the system "blog advertising". Before that, I knew blog affiliate programs. I tested some of those sites, but none worked. I chose some companies, products and goods, created banners and pasted them into my blogs. None of people clicked them. So, I never made money.

Sometime later, I found the word "blog advertising" in Japanese in some Japanese articles. I was suspicious enough to look for some. Some works and others not. Main reason I had trouble was how to get paid. They do not accept using specific banks. It was because of the limited paying/receiving money system in Japan.

Finally, I found a good site called in Japan. Through this site, I got about $60 in about three months. The problem of this site was the little number of writing opportunities.

Now I am trying similar sites in the U.S. The first one is! They accepted two of my blogs, and have given me two writing opportunities so far. I am now quite excited to start writing blogs in English. So far, I am very satisfied with this site becasuse:

1) This site does not force me to spend any money!
2) The business of this site is just simple - connecting companies and bloggers. It seems this site does not want to cheat bloggers.
3) This site has given me opportunities, anyway.

So, I think I can recommend people to try this site, as long as you are eager to write!

advertise on blogs

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