Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Spanish now! ~ day 18

I am self-learning Spanish. It's not a requirement of my work place, I am not going to use Spanish in my job. It's just that I want to learn Spanish as my hobby and relaxing activity.

Learning a new language is like visiting a foreign country - for free and free of wasting time. When you feel some stress from job and other things, learning a new language may be a good solution.

Especially, if the language is spoken a lot in your neighborhood. In this city of Los Angeles, you hear Spanish language everywhere. So, no wonder I came up with this idea of learning it. Spanish language may give me a job in the near future too :)

So, I un-earth a textbook from my closet, and started learning it again several days ago. I set that day "the day 15" since I once tried to study the language when I was in Texas two years ago. Back then, I was much more desperate... I did not have a job at all. In the city in Texas, the majority people was Hispanic. So, I dreamed to have a job of something Hispanic. It did not happen though.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

About PayingPost.com

It was about two years ago that I got to knew the system "blog advertising". Before that, I knew blog affiliate programs. I tested some of those sites, but none worked. I chose some companies, products and goods, created banners and pasted them into my blogs. None of people clicked them. So, I never made money.

Sometime later, I found the word "blog advertising" in Japanese in some Japanese articles. I was suspicious enough to look for some. Some works and others not. Main reason I had trouble was how to get paid. They do not accept using specific banks. It was because of the limited paying/receiving money system in Japan.

Finally, I found a good site called A8.net in Japan. Through this site, I got about $60 in about three months. The problem of this site was the little number of writing opportunities.

Now I am trying similar sites in the U.S. The first one is PayingPost.com! They accepted two of my blogs, and have given me two writing opportunities so far. I am now quite excited to start writing blogs in English. So far, I am very satisfied with this site becasuse:

1) This site does not force me to spend any money!
2) The business of this site is just simple - connecting companies and bloggers. It seems this site does not want to cheat bloggers.
3) This site has given me opportunities, anyway.

So, I think I can recommend people to try this site, as long as you are eager to write!

advertise on blogs

Organizing Your Site with Frames and layouts - true?

In sometime ago, it was said that "Using frames is a good way to organize your Website". I though this is a thing of the past. So I was kind of surprised to see this type of an article recently.

"Organizing Your Site with Frames and layouts"


There are many discussions about why we should not use frames in Websites. You can not get your Web page searched by major search engines. Search engines do not recognize the keywords of your Website when it is managed by frames. This is critical and fatal for your small Internet business. Design is not the first priority for Web business in today's standard. Search engine friendly is the first thing to consider.

One big advantage to use frames is it's easiness of navigation. When you set a side bar on your site, visitors can easily navigate any page they need. That's why many Websites are still attached with old-fashioned frames. CSS layouts can replace frames/tables. With CSS layouts, we can make user-friendly, easy-to-navigate Webpages.

Professional Web designer/developers are all aware of the importance and versatility of CSS. I think frames are only used in special occasions or in private Websites these days.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

In Los Angeles, California...

Wow, it's been a while since last time I was writing. I moved to this sunshining city finally. I am still getting used to here, and enjoying too.

I am learning something here... why the sun shines so brightly, why it's hot in daytime and cool and sometimes cold at night. This is quite a dry place, almost everywhere in this place is desert. Since there aren't many water vapor particles, the sun beam comes right to us, so the sky is clear and blue.

So, those facts about LA are quite scienific phenomena, anyway.... Still people are sure attracted this city.