Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Our prime minister

The new prime minister was selected. His name is Yasuo Fukuda, a son of a former prime minister. It seems to have been a turmoil in politics for a year since Mr. Koizumi completed his term and Mr. Abe took over the position. I think Mr. Fukuda is the best choice for now.

Mr. Koizumi had been a uuique prime minister. When I was a graduate student, a relative of my major professor said, "Koizumi is quite different from any other former Japanese prime ministers." I asked her how different he was, but she didn't give me the idea. Actually, he was quite different.

In Japanese political world, things are always determined by old-boys' total agreement. I mean, there are a lot of private political groups in the major political party. Stronger groups gather more people, and those groups can make their voice heard.

Koizumi-san did not follow this conventional way. He organized his own small group of people, placed them abound him, just like the president of the US has such people around him. Koizumi-san yielded a stronger leadership than any former leaders. In that way and other, he has been a unique prime minister. In his final days, because of his accomplishment, he won a graduation excursion to the Graceland :)

Mr. Abe took over his position. But the job was too heavy for Mr. Abe. So, now, enter Mr.Fukuda, an old-fashioned but stable, conventional politician.